31/07/2007 18:13
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World leader for aluminum anodizing - www.coil.be
Eurolist C - ISIN: BE0160342011 - Reuters: COIL.LN - Bloomberg: COI FP





Brussels, July 31 , 2007 - Driven by strong demand for anodized aluminum, COIL's consolidated sales
have increased significantly, rising 35.2% in Q2. Over the first half of the year, sales are up 33.5% to €15

At the same time, COIL is forging a commercial alliance with the Chinese firm Eagle Superior Industries,
specialized in the distribution and promotion of aluminum, with a high level of expertise in the building and
industry sectors in China.

Tim Hutton, Chief Executive Officer

"The situation on the aluminum market is favorable. Our commercial performances are good, reflecting the
dynamic strategy rolled out. While the second quarter was hit by the one-off impacts of a temporary
reduction in the metal's availability on the market, our fundamentals are still sound. With the acquisitions
of LHT and HMF, we have taken up good strategic positions, which we are harnessing today so that COIL
will be able to further strengthen its position as the anodized aluminum market leader.

The integration of the two specialized batch anodizing firms under the United Anodisers brand is enabling
us to incorporate their commercial market approach, built primarily around a "project"-based approach,
working closely with architects, facade firms and construction companies.
In this way, while continuing to faithfully serve our rolling mill and distributor partners, we are now in a
position to significantly strengthen our commercial strategy, ramping up an offering that is unrivaled
worldwide, making it possible to meet 100% of anodizing needs for the industrial and building markets,
whatever the specifications.

The new federating actions carried out under the United Anodisers banner are strengthening the
penetration of high-potential regional markets. Thanks to these actions, our companies are notably taking
part in ambitious and complex projects with a strong level of value added in the UK, while in Asia, we are
taking our first steps in the Chinese market today, with a major commercial partnership sealed.

In 2007, we are implementing an intensive policy to further improve performance levels, with strong lines
to consolidate our Group's prosperity, while serving our clients and shareholders". 1

COIL - press release - July 31 , 2007

A first half of sustained growth 2007*
(€'000) 2006 Change 2007 pro forma 6 months
Continuous anodizing 12,023
COIL 11,271 +6.7% 12,023
Batch anodizing
HMF 1,722 2,036
LHT 1,296 1,639
Consolidated sales in Q1 15,041 11,271 +33.5% 15,698 +39.2%

* The basis for consolidation includes HMF and LHT as of February 1st, 2007.

Business over the first half of the year shows a strong rate of growth, up +33.5% to €15 million. This good
performance factors in the business of the new subsidiaries, LHT Anodisers Ltd and Heywood Metal
Finishers Ltd, two leading batch aluminum anodizers in the UK, acquired at the start of the year and
consolidated as of February 1 , 2007.

For better visibility, pro forma data have been drawn up for the first half of the year, giving €15.7 million in
consolidated sales, including €3.7 million on batch anodizing. Based on these pro forma data, growth
comes out at 39.2%

Slight contraction over Q2 due to the metal's reduced availability
Organic growth - solely on the continuous anodizing activity - was satisfactory over the first half of the
year, coming in at 6.7%, which represents a high level in light of the strong basis for comparison with H1
2006, which had seen organic growth of 9%.

The slight slowdown in growth over Q2 in relation to Q1 reflects a lag between the dynamic development
of demand and the adjustment of production capabilities set against the aluminum sector's current
reconfiguration. This situation is expected to be rapidly resolved, with the Group forecasting a return to a
normal situation by the end of the second half of the year.

Strengthening of positions in the UK and value added on product ranges
The first half of the year was also marked by a strengthening of positions in the
Group's main regions, notably in the UK, following on from the acquisitions carried out
at the start of the year.

The United Anodisers brand is being developed based on the proven ability of the
Group's companies to take part in complex, high value-added projects. The many
achievements to date represent genuine showcases for anodized aluminum, making
it possible to highlight the expertise and capacity for innovation on solutions offered
by the Group.

In this way, the Young Vic, the London theatre that was recently renovated with the
application of anodized aluminum facades by Heywood Metal Finshers, a Coil
subsidiary, received an RIBA award from the Royal Institute of British Architects. Its technological
aesthetics were singled out for praise, and it was chosen as the building of the year
for the London Region. It is also one of the six international buildings shortlisted for
the annual Stirling Prize, awarded to the British architect who has made the biggest
contribution to european architecture.

Many more projects will further illustrate the Group's know-how, such as the
Museum of Contemporary Art in New York, which is due to be opened shortly and
represents a major "100% anodized" building. 2

COIL - press release - July 31 , 2007

Strategic agreement for the Chinese market
In addition to these good performances, Coil is delighted to announce a commercial partnership with
Eagle Superior Industries, a private Shenzhen-based company specialized in the specification, distribution
and promotion of aluminum for architectural and industrial projects in China. This agreement should
rapidly pave the way for major contracts, which will benefit all of the Group's companies.

As Tim Hutton, the Chief Executive Officer, explains: "We are delighted to be joining forces with Eagle
Superior Industries for the distribution of our solutions in China. For United Anodisers, this represents a
first step forwards for the penetration of a high-potential market. Anodized aluminum is developing very
rapidly in China despite the lack of capacity and quality among local anodizers; Eagle Superior Industries
has a high level of expertise in the building and industry sectors; this alliance will enable us to effectively
develop our sales in this country.

This partnership also illustrates our active regional expansion policy for the Group's offerings, while we
expect to be able to make other such announcements shortly for other regions around the world".

Expectations confirmed
For the second half of the year, the order book already shows a high level of projects, with the outlook for
growth remaining intact. The actions carried out confirm this. For 2007, COIL is therefore confirming its
forecast for double-digit growth in business, with strong growth in operating income.

âˆ' Unaudited half-year results to be published on August 23 , 2007

âˆ' Audited half-year results to be published on September 17 , 2007

To find out more, visit: www.coil.be

About COIL th
COIL, a Belgian Group listed on Euronext Paris Eurolist C since June 26 , 1996 is the world's largest
architectural and industrial anodizer, specializing in the surface treatment of aluminum extrusions,
castings and flat-rolled products.
Anodizing is an electrochemical process - electrolysis - that develops a natural and protective exterior
layer on aluminum that can be colored, providing exceptional corrosion protection and/or increased
functionality for the metal.
Anodizing preserves all the natural and ecological properties of aluminum - it retains its high strength-to-
weight ratio, non-magnetic properties and exceptional corrosion resistance without any impact on the total
and repeated recyclability of the metal.
Anodized aluminum is used across a wide range of architectural, designer, industrial and automotive
applications. Eurolist C - ISIN: BE0160342011 - Reuters: COIL.LN - Bloomberg: COI FP

For further information, contact us at

COIL - Tim Hutton - Chief Executive Officer - tim.hutton@unitedanodisers.com - Tel: +32 (0) 479 208500
CALYPTUS - Cyril Combe - coil@calyptus.net -Tel: +33 (0)1 53 65 37 94 3