26/06/2024 17:45
Report of the Annual and Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting
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Press release

Antwerp, 26 juni 2024, 17:45 CET – regulated information

Report of the Annual and Extraordinary General Shareholders’
Today Gimv held its Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting (GM). 41.34% of the
shares were represented (11,524,886 shares). The GM approved the gross dividend
of EUR 2.60 per share (EUR 1.82 net) in the form of an optional dividend.

Today, the GM accepted the Board of
Directors’ proposal for the financial year 2023-
About Gimv
2024, to pay a gross dividend of EUR 2.60 (EUR
1.82 net) per share in the form of an optional
Gimv is a European investment company with
dividend. This corresponds to a gross dividend
over 40 years of experience in private equity and
yield of 5.8% on the closing price of the Gimv-
is listed on Euronext Brussels as well as a member
share on 25 June 2024. The precise modalities
of the Euronext BEL ESG Index. Gimv currently has
of the optional dividend were announced
a portfolio of more than EUR 1.5 billion consisting
earlier today via a separate press release.
of around 60 portfolio companies, with a
combined turnover of EUR 4.0 billion and more
The financial statements for the financial year than 20,000 employees.
2023-2024 have been approved. The GM also
granted discharge to the directors and to the As a recognized market leader in selected
statutory auditor in respect of the exercise of investment platforms, Gimv identifies
their duties under their term of office during the entrepreneurial, innovative companies with high
financial year that ended on 31 March 2024. growth potential and supports them in their
transformation into market leaders. Gimv's five
The GM further approved the confirmation of investment platforms are Consumer, Healthcare,
the co-optation of Mr Filip Dierckx, Mr Robert Life Sciences, Smart Industries and Sustainable
Van Goethem and Mr Marc Valentiny as new Cities. Each platform works with an experienced
directors nominated by WorxInvest. In addition, team across Gimv’s home markets of Benelux,
Ms Manon Janssen was reappointed as France and DACH, supported by an extended
independent director for a new term of four international network of experts.
years. Finally, the remaining non-executive
directors were reappointed as legal entity Further information on Gimv can be found on
directors subject to their current mandates. www.gimv.com.

With regard to the extraordinary GM, the For further information please contact:
required attendance quorum of 50% of the
capital was not reached. A second Kristof Vande Capelle, CFO
extraordinary GM will take place on T +32 3 290 22 17
Wednesday July 31st, 2024 and will be able to kristof.vandecapelle@gimv.com
validly deliberate and decide regardless of the
number of shares present or represented.

Gimv NV - Karel Oomsstraat 37, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium - T +32 3 290 21 00 - www.gimv.com 1